3 Bible Study Tips for Busy People

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I’ve been thinking lately about Bible study tips for busy people–since I’m one of the busy! Every day there are so many things battling for my attention. My phone is right by my bed, so the temptation to grab that first thing in the morning and start checking messages, email or some other rabbit trail is very tempting. Can you relate?

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The kiddos don’t sleep in

Or maybe the kids get up early and that starts your day going sooner than you had planned, or just getting to work on time and all that it takes to get there is all you can do . . .

Find time to quench your thirst

I totally understand the things that get in your way when you would really like to hear from God first. Right now I’m spending 8-12 hours a day in a rehabilitation center with my mom who had a stroke. It’s all I can do to get a lunch packed, gather things that she will need and head out the door asap. The days are long and tiring, and I’m growing thirstier by the day to spend more time with God. That’s what got me thinking about you and me and these 3 Bible Study tips for busy people.

There are dozens of things you could do, but I’m realistic and this is what’s working for me right now. I don’t have the luxury of sitting down for an uninterrupted hour. I could get up super early, but I’d pay for it later:(

So here’s my top 3 Bible study tips that are working in this stage of my busy life.

3 Bible Study Tips for Busy People

1) Be a hearer of the Word:)

I discovered this by accident one day when I opened up the YouVersion Bible app in church and hit the wrong button at the bottom. It started reading the verses aloud to me in church (my volume button was up all the way too) . . . oops! This is really a great tool. I can listen while my hands are busy or I’m driving. It’s a simple concept, I know. But one that I don’t think to take advantage of. Just listen. If you hear something that speaks to your heart, go back later and open up those verses to dig in deeper.

It’s also a de-stressor

If you struggle with anxiety or depression like I do at times, this is really super helpful. Listen through the Psalms. It will bring you great comfort to hear the word of the Psalmists as they share the same struggles that are common to all of us humans. They have a heavenly perspective and attitude of trustful worship. Even when they’re crying out or complaining, it helps to connect me horizontally to them and vertically to the Lord, and their wise words permeate my being and cause my focus to shift.

2) One case where technology is helpful

Do you have any apps that you would say strengthen you as a believer? Do they sharpen your understanding of scripture, help you to recall it or provide on-the-go availability of devotions or Bible reading plans?

Here are a few of my favorites apps that I turn to often:

  • Bible Memory – I just started using this app again for memorizing passages of scripture. My old brain is leaky and doesn’t retain what I want it to! In it you can choose a verse(s) to memorize in the version you like best. I’ve been memorizing using the NIV for so long, it’s weird to choose something else, so that’s my go to. Boring and tedious are gone when I use this method of having the app remove words and have me type in what’s missing. It doesn’t sound a nasty alarm when I mess up (thankfully). I didn’t think I’d like it, but it’s actually pretty fun!
  • Right Now Media – If your church has a membership to this site/app, it is absolutely fantastic! There are so many videos made by great teachers and encouragers in the faith. If I want to do a five week video series with a group or just by myself, there are so many to choose from. There are even a bunch of videos for kids like Veggie Tales, and Superbook.
  • Two radio network apps that have great teaching and music are REFNET and Moody Radio. I live out in the boonies, so using an app for radio is a necessity. On the Moody app you can choose prerecorded programs or listen live. Either one has some really great programming to strengthen your faith.
  • YOUVERSION – I mentioned this app for listening to scripture, but they have some great free devotionals that you can use. They’re on your device, so they’re with you wherever you go. No excuses for not being fed with this around!

3) Keep it open in plain sight

If you can’t avoid it, it gets your attention. Right? So where will you stumble over that devotional or Bible study? The kitchen table? Bathroom counter? You know the place. Put it there so it grabs your attention. I have mine laying out on the table often. When I sit down to eat, there it is! I’m also bringing it with me to the Rehab center. If mom takes one of her rare naps, I’m ready.

This printable will help 🙂

One way that I love to read God’s Word is with a few questions in mind. I take a short passage, read it through then ask myself three simple questions. What does it say? What do I learn? How can I apply it?

What I’m trying to do when I read are three things– going from understanding, to learning what it means and then to doing or applying it to my life. I’m aiming for a heart change. The printable ULTIMATE BIBLE STUDY TOOLKIT can be printed out and used over and over for any passage. It includes many tools that help you study the scriptures in multiple ways. I’ve been using this method of study for years and it’s been the best way for me to learn, grow and experience a heart transformation. What’s different about this method over others?

  • You are more aware and see things from a spiritual perspective–your spiritual sight will be sharpened.
  • You WANT to go back and review your lessons to remind yourself of God’s faithfulness.
  • You can create a Bible study notebook that personal to YOU.
  • You can study ANY passage in the Bible and get a HUGE amount out of it.
  • You don’t need to purchase a devotional–just download, print and use over and over.
  • You can share the experience with others. Use this for a small group study.

Include the kids

If you’ve got kids of any age still living at home, find ways to include them. As an adult, if you’re having trouble, they probably are too and it will most likely be a struggle when they become an adult. So, consider these teachable moments. It will not only show them that it is human nature since the time of Adam to be distracted, but it will give them valuable tools they won’t forget. The KID’S BIBLE STUDY TOOLKIT is loaded with fun engaging ways to study the Bible right along with you.


If you enjoyed this post and would like more Bible study helps, read this post too!