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Is eating a healthy diet important to God? Is going to God for weight loss a worthy prayer request? I’ve been doing some soul searching this year as I have once again noticed that the scale has been inching up. Can you relate? That’s why I put together “Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory.” I have cleaned up my diet and attempted weight loss in the past with some mixed results, and rather than repeat those former mistakes, I’m approaching this quite a bit differently than I have in the past. And . . . it’s working!

Scroll down to the bottom to see what tools in the kitchen that I’m using to make my healthy eating more doable.

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Losing weight just for the sake of being thin (and all the unhealthy reasons why this isn’t a good idea), isn’t my goal. What I WOULD like to do is get back to healthy eating habits for the sake of feeling better and caring for my body the best way I can. Reducing my waistline will benefit my health in so many ways. So, I’m praying, saying goodbye to my kettle chips (I so love them), and busting out more veggies and healthy proteins.

Rein in the Munchies!

Knowing how undisciplined I’ve become when it comes to reining in the munchies, I went to God this time and asked Him for help. Emotional eating when things are tedious or boring is a struggle that I’ve had going on for the past couple of years, and I often give in to the urge to snack as a way of coping. Do you share my pain?

As a believer, we have tremendous power to resist the snacking monster, and I know the Lord can help us face down temptation through prayer and through His Word. Through prayer, what He gave me in terms of direction and encouragement has been so helpful, I wanted to share it with you. I want you to be successful eating healthier or attempting to lose weight. Here’s a few things that are helping me.

Encouragement, Accountability and Fitness

For starters He gave me a friend for which to share this diet journey. She and I use the Marco Polo app to send each other video messages most days that not only hold us accountable, but makes us laugh too (laughter burns calories, right? It’s a win, win:)

Food Diaries–It Just Takes a Couple Minutes

Keeping a food diary has also been extremely beneficial. I use the app MyFitnessPal which makes it easy to keep track of calories, ingredients and exercise. There is a scanning feature so I can quickly scan the barcode on a package, and the app has the calorie content built in. It even accounts for my daily exercise and adjusts my available calories accordingly.

A Little Exercise

As much as possible, I’m doing a walking workout with Walk At Home. While the weather isn’t great, I just watch the videos on YouTube and exercise indoors. But as soon as the ground dries up, I’ll be outside walking. Even 15 minutes of exercise, or one mile, makes a big difference in the way I feel and the calories I burn! It may seem like exercise “dumbed down,” but it truly does work.

Let God’s Word Feed You

Like physical exercise for the body, spiritual exercise for the mind keeps me closely tethered to the Vine for soul nourishment. Focusing on scripture and staying tied tight to Jesus is the main reason for writing this post. God’s Word is so valuable to train our minds on Him and to strengthen and encourage us when we feel weak. So, I made up some free scripture memory cards for a healthy diet to print off and use daily. You can either memorize one scripture each day of the month, spread them around your home or office so you have visual reminders or keep the ones that speak to your heart the most in your pocket and pull them out whenever you feel overwhelmed.

God’s Word Strengthens and Equips

Rather than unload all 30 of the scripture here, I’ll just highlight a few. The link is at the bottom for the 30 Scriptures for Weight-Loss Victory passages.

Whole 30 Scripture Diet

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

This scripture is strengthening when we feel tempted to eat something unhealthy. It has us ask ourselves, “Is this the best choice? Does eating this benefit the body that God has loaned me?”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Yes. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, so we should want to keep His temple clean. But, what power He provides to resist temptation, when He is in us! Yay!

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 No temptation  has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

When Jesus was tempted, He turned to scripture to ward off Satan. We have so much power that He graciously gives us through His Word.

Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory!

Gobbling up God’s Word feeds our very souls with abundant joy!

Jeremiah 15:16 (NIV)

16 When your words came, I ate them;
    they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
    Lord God Almighty.  

Isaiah 40:29 (NIV)

29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.

God’s Word is the heart and soul of this healthy way of life. Pray and ask the Lord to direct you to the best diet for you. The definition of a healthy diet is something that is always changing out there, so keep to the basics and let the Lord guide you as you get fed in your body, mind and soul.

Some Practical Helps for Your 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory!

Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory!
These are some of my best tools for eating healthy!

This is what’s on my kitchen counter quite a bit. I use my 7″ Santoku knife every day and I’ve had it for years. I just swipe it on my knife steel and it always stays sharp!

A Sweet Slicer

The best mandolin slicer ever is my Benriner Mandoline slicer. I limped along for years with other ways to thinly slice veggies until I got this dreamy slicer. It works amazingly well and has a guard to protect your hand–very important because it is extremely sharp!!! Slicing zucchinni very thin makes a great swap for lasagna noodles, and can be used to make “roll ups” to replace a sandwich or snack. Cucumbers work well for this too!

Spiralizing for Noodles

When you’re reducing carbs, the spiralizer keeps you sane. You can eat as much of this kind of “pasta” as you want and it’s super easy and fun to use. The kids love its long zoodles (zucchinni) as they crank them out. I have had mine for several years. This spiralizer comes with a few different blades and is easy to rinse clean.

Prepping and Storage Needs for the Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory!

Glass containers last pretty much forever and are much healthier than plastic. These glass storage containers (pictured above) are square or oblong and fit nicely in the fridge. They have locking lids and are clear so I can see what’s in them. I do some food prep during the week and then I have veggies on the ready. It really helps me stay on track. Last night I whipped up some soup super quick because I had these containers already filled with washed and prepped veggies.

Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory!
Bumkins Bags are Dishwasher Safe and Machine Washable
Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory!
Stasher Lunch Bag is Dishwasher Safe and comes in a variety of colors

Baggies Don’t Have to be Boring

If you’re out during the day and need to pack a lunch, these reusable “baggies” are great to hold portioned amounts and don’t add any waste to our landfills. The Stasher bag is made of silicone and is even dishwasher safe. It costs a little bit up front to get these, but they’re reusable, so you’re saving money in the long run. I was surprised at how well it stays closed! Since I’ve felt bad about throwing away so much plastic, I was reusing ziploc bags by washing them out until I recently saw a report on how much bacteria grows inside those bags even after washing them with soap–yuck!

Bumkins zipper bags went to college with my daughter and she loves them. One comment she made is that they are “quiet” so she can open a bag in class and it doesn’t make a lot of noise. Never thought of that one. . . Made with a zipper closure, of waterproof food grade BPA free material, these super cute Bumkins bags come in many different styles and patterns

Now eat well with God’s help!

You’ve got the tools you need and and the strengthening power of the Lord with you, so God bless you as you embark on this journey! Leave me a comment if this was helpful and let me know how it’s going!

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Top 30 Scriptures for Weight Loss Victory! 
#diet #eathealthy #weightloss #inspiredandrefreshed