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if you fail to plan you are planning to fail…

Benjamin Franklin knew what he was talking about when he penned that famous saying. What was true back then, still applies today and there is much to be planned if you want to have a successful college semester. Add a string of those successful plans together and you’ve got that great celebration ahead–graduation!!! So, start your college semester off successfully with these 6 do’s and don’ts!

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I’m a “glass is half full” kind of girl, so we’re starting with the “Do’s”.

1.Get a planner.


I cannot stress this enough!! Even if you’re the kind of person that would rather keep your calendar and planning in your phone, hear me out on this one.  You’re going to need a physical planner in order to highlight, keep track of everything (in pencil), stick post-it notes in, and share with the less fortunate friends who didn’t take the “Get a planner advice” (you will be a life saver).   I’m in love with this High Note planner or this one if you want one that you can update each year with an insert. It’s the Happy Planner, which makes me just want to use it! Refer to #3 for what you’re going to put in your planner 🙂

2. Clean out your backpack. 

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

Before you head back to campus, give yourself a fresh start. It’s time to empty out all the used tissues from the sickness you had during finals or maybe the tears you cried at 2 a.m. in the library as you crammed…, gum wrappers and granola bar crumbs (curse you Nature Valley)! It’s not a bad idea to organize a bit inside that cavernous dark hole, so get a pencil case (you can upgrade from the one you had when you were in 2nd grade:) This Homecube case is really cute and has a place for headphones and more!

3. Print out all of the syllabi. 

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

Highlight all important due dates and write them in your planner. Then write out all the “skips” that you’re allowed on post-it notes and stick them in your planner too.  As you use these, you can keep track on the post-it note and move it forward each week/month so you know how many you have left. Check out the color coded system, and the tear stained page of a very tough week! Yellow is the class, green is the time, and pink is extra curricular or fun events.

4. Find your buildings.

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

Know where you need to go before you actually have to get there and calculate out how long it will take you to get there from your previous class.  Google walking is a great tool for this.

5. Have a plan to maintain spiritual growth.

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

When the pressure is on, this is usually the first thing that gets pushed to the side, but it’s very important! Have a reading plan for what you want to read in your Bible, and/or find an on-campus ministry or small group that you can plug into. I wrote a coloring devotional study that walks you through scriptures for a more peaceful heart. What college student doesn’t need that??  You can do a little or a lot each day. It’s a great way to establish an easy way to study with three questions and coloring too! I wrote a post about it here that goes more in depth with examples. With that said, if you miss days or even weeks, don’t beat yourself up (and don’t let anyone else judge you either). Just start again and embrace the new beginning:)

6. Be intentional about connecting. 

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

Do some things outside of your comfort zone because you never know where you will meet new friends and have fun. Go on a retreat, volunteer for a service project, or join a group. Go to games and enjoy the experience of team spirit! But, most importantly, don’t hunker down in your room every day to study alone. There are times when you need the solitude, but if you make this a habit, you’ll have a sad and lonely habit:(

Now for the “Don’ts”

1. Don’t skip during syllabus week.

Don’t even think about it! You know it’ll only cause a world of hurt later on. This is when all the important stuff is doled out to the wise who show up.

2. Don’t be confused about your schedule.

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

Make a class schedule and print it out. You’ll have it memorized pretty quick, but it’s still worth the few minutes it takes to get you off to a good start. Be sure to plan for breaks (especially lunch), and free time so you don’t burn-out.

3. Everything in its place.

Have all your notes for each class in one specific spot–not scattered all over. So, if you have a class that you know will be very “notes intensive”, use a large notebook designated just for that class. If you have classes that require less note taking, you could combine these in a three-ring binder with tabs for each.  Back to the spiral notebook. . . Here’s a tip for being able to go back and study for your exams. Reserve a couple pages at the beginning for a Table of Contents. Take your notes by chapter, and number the pages so you can add the title of the chapter (or concept) and add it to your Table of Contents page. You can put page markers on each section and easily go back, find a concept or chapter, and study from your notes!

4. Don’t be a lone wolf.

Everyone has classes that are challenging for them. Once you identify that you’re struggling, get help asap! Line up a tutor or ask friends who are better at that subject to help you. You can probably reciprocate at some point with a subject where you’re more skilled, so it’s all good:)

5. Don’t give up your interests and passions.

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

If you are an artist, keep creating, or if you’re an avid dancer, keep dancing, and if you’re outdoorsy, keep getting out there! You get the picture. It’s important to continue to be who God created you to be and enjoy it.

6. Don’t let the weather or terrain catch you off guard.

Start Your College Semester Off Successfully With These 6 Do's and Don'ts

6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful College Semester

Know your campus weather and be prepared.  If it’s really cold there in the winter, bring what you need to survive and thrive. Or maybe it’s hot and humid. Whatever the case, bring what you need or have a good way to get it shipped! Even consider the terrain. Is your campus in the mountains or very hilly? Make sure you have shoes that can take you up and down, and up and down (over and over)!

That’s it to give you a great start and carry you through this semester and onto the next. God bless and have a great year!


Numbers 6:24-26The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

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