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My heart is swelling as Christmas approaches.  Besides Easter, it’s my favorite holiday, and during this season, I like to reflect on Jesus via a Christmas devotional or an advent calendar. This year my desire is no different; however, I decided to look at things from a slightly different perspective. It is one that came from the grateful heart of a father, and overflowed into a beautiful song of praise and thanksgiving.  As you read this, it will change the way you view the Savior’s birth, as it is personalized specifically to YOU. Like this father of days gone by, your heart will overflow with thoughts of wonder, amazement and expectations . . . If you love Bible Journaling, I made some free printables if you scroll down to the bottom:)

Zacharias was mute and most likely deaf while his wife Elizabeth was carrying their son John. He didn’t get to speak until John was born and it was time to give him his name. I bet he didn’t realize the impact his thoughts and words would have on those around him at that time, in addition to millions of people to come. But I’m so grateful God thought to include this story in the Bible, because there is so much we can learn and take to heart as we think about Jesus’ birth. Let’s look at this handful of verses—a very prophetic, Spirit led song as he was about to name his son John. From it we can see that we need to “Expect the Unexpected,” “Expect to do what No one Else can,” and “Expect Growth.”

Expect the unexpected . . .

Christmas Devotional for Advent

Zacharias holds a special place in history

Luke 1:67-80 Living Bible (TLB)

67 Then his father, Zacharias, was filled with the Holy Spirit and gave this prophecy:

68 “Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, for he has come to visit his people and has redeemed them. 69 He is sending us a Mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, 70 just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago— 71 someone to save us from our enemies, from all who hate us.

72-73 “He has been merciful to our ancestors, yes, to Abraham himself, by remembering his sacred promise to him, 74 and by granting us the privilege of serving God fearlessly, freed from our enemies, 75 and by making us holy and acceptable, ready to stand in his presence forever. 

At that time, the Jewish people were eagerly awaiting a Savior.  But their thoughts of what a Savior looked like were a bit different than what God had in mind. They were expecting someone who would save them from the powerful Roman Empire. A warrior and powerful leader who would lead them to victory is more of what they had in mind.

We too may have different ideas of how things in our life should go. Maybe the struggle we have going on would instantly vanish after a heartfelt prayer. Or maybe our circumstances would be different because we’ve always done our best to love God and love others. But, just as Zacharias and Israel were expecting one thing—a warrior savior, God had something altogether different and altogether amazingly better in mind. He had salvation from sin and death planned and not only that, but the salvation of countless generations of believers to come.

Looking back brings clarity and growth

You may have heard this analogy before, but it bears repeating. It’s like a parade. We can only see what’s right in front of us and we know what we already saw. But, God planned the parade and He knows past, present and future. His entire plan is far-reaching and all intended for the good of those who love Him.  Expect the unexpected. Can you look back at things that were challenging at the time and see the hand of God and how He used those circumstances to 1) Grow your faith, 2) Have your heart reflect more of Christ’s heart, and 3) Cause you to trust Him even more?

Being molded and shaped

In 2015 God plucked me out of my comfortable hometown where I had spent my entire life. All my friends and family were there and a beautiful life of serving Him in ministry. He moved my husband, my daughter and I, 800 miles away to a place where we knew no one and then called us to care for my aging mom who has severe dementia. It was and still is a daily struggle shifting gears to an entirely different kind of servant hood, not to mention the isolation that it has brought. But, as a result, my trust in the Lord has grown, and each day He is chiseling away the rough places of my heart and shaping me more into His image.

Having good come out of something painful is not what you have in mind while you’re in the midst of it. So, like Zacharias, expect the unexpected from God. He ALWAYS has your good and the good of others in mind.

Expect to do what no one else can . . .

Christmas Devotional for Advent

76 “And you, my little son, shall be called the prophet of the glorious God, for you will prepare the way for the Messiah. 77 You will tell his people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins. 78 All this will be because the mercy of our God is very tender, and heaven’s dawn is about to break upon us, 79 to give light to those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow, and to guide us to the path of peace.”

The unique call of John the Baptist was indeed very individualized. Getting people ready to meet their Savior was such a great privilege and a gift. John had a very important part to play in God’s plan, and he met that challenge wholeheartedly.

We may not be approaching things the same way as John did, but just as God had charted a course for John’s life, He does the same for each and every one of us. No one else can do what God has intended for us to do. Each one of us is woven together with God’s imprint on our heart and a particular life to live that impacts people around us.

His path isn’t always the easy one

People are watching the way my husband and I care for my mom and they see the love of Christ. They see that we love mom very much, but also that it’s difficult to lay down our own lives each and every day and take care of her. This often means not being able to do things that we used to be able to do because she can’t be left alone. Making friends in this new place where we live has been limited because of it, so I struggle with loneliness. Following God’s will isn’t always the easiest path, but it’s the best path and the one that He has specifically crafted just for us. Your circumstances are unique to you and you can expect to do what no one else can do—He has ordained each day specifically for you. You have a special part in God’s plan—something no one else can do. It’s for your good and His glory.

Expect Growth . . .

Christmas Devotional for Advent

80 The little boy greatly loved God and when he grew up he lived out in the lonely wilderness until he began his public ministry to Israel.

When John was an adult, why did he live out in the wilderness? Separation from people and community is a lonely lifestyle. I can’t completely answer to the reason why, but I can relate to the benefits and unexpected growth that overflows as a result.

He has our good in mind

When I lived near all my wonderful friends and family, I was busy doing and experiencing a much faster paced life. While it was a blessing, the downside was having less time to slow down, reflect on scripture and grasp its deeper meanings. I was on a fast moving train, unable to jump off. Now that God has me more in a “wilderness experience,” He has more of my attention and as result our friendship is deepening. I turn to Him more often and have the conversations that I previously would have had with a friend over lunch. I’m changing–growth. When the Lord moved us out of Illinois to North Carolina, I had no idea what or how my circumstances exactly would be changing. None of us knows the future, but one thing we can know for sure is that He has our good in mind.  Spiritual growth is a beautiful by-product of life’s ups and downs. It is good:) 

The birth of Jesus is a special time to reflect on His coming to earth with a very special mission and purpose. It is a time to appreciate the deep love that God has for each and every one of us and the life that He has given through His Son. It’s a life where you can expect the unexpected, expect to do what no one else can, and a life where you will be refined and grow as a result. God bless you all this Christmas and the year ahead. May it be Christmas in your heart each and every day.

To help you reflect on specific passages this season, I drew up a few printables that you can use in your Bible Journal or personal journal. Each of  the images has scripture to pair it with, and there is a full page that you can print on vellum (I did and it turned out beautiful) or you can print on tracing paper.  Merry Christmas from my heart to yours!


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Spending time in God's Word is a treasure that will bring you peace, joy and love for our Savior. Check out this post with the Top 7 Advent Devotionals for great options and a free downloadable scripture reading plan.    

I've got some wonderful resources and ideas for the family in this post too!
Top 10 Advent activities Your Family Will Love

Looking for a simple way to study the Bible and connect your heart to His? These resources will help:)