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How is your quiet time these days? Need a little jump start? I’ve put together 5 great tools to have in your devotional basket to help you have a focused and refreshing time in the Word every day.

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I’m starting to appreciate the approach that a minimalist has. It would make life much easier to manage! Fewer things and know where all the things are! Rather than having everyday be a search and rescue mission to find all the tools I use for devotional time, I came up with a system that will help me (and you). And it’s really simple . . .

I’m often rushing out the door and when I return home I hit the ground running with dinner prep and other super fun domestic activities. Every day is mostly the same, so rinse and repeat. You’d think that everything would just stay in one place and be where I need it to be, but sorry to say, that is just not so.

I’ve organized other things

This summer I did a major redo of the bathroom cabinets and even all the kitchen cabinets. The kitchen was a big one, done just before painting all the cabinets. Being able to grab what I need when I need it is sooo nice. So, applying that to other aspects of my day-to-day is a good thing. Right?

A devotional basket!

When my kids were little, I had a basket or bin I could pull out that had special things to keep them occupied while I homeschooled one of the other ones. Cool stuff was in there and they were excited to dig in.

Having that same cool bin or basket to pull out each day got me thinking. I’ve got some really great devotionals, go-to tools that I use for creative study and journaling supplies. But admittedly, they are all over in multiple locations. It would be so much simpler if I could just have what I needed in one place so I could get right to devotional time. So, here’s what I put together and have it all neatly in one place–a basket. It’s right next to my bed at the moment. But I can easily pick it up and move it to a cozy chair for different times of the day.

Such a simple idea, but so helpful for a really great quiet time

I’ve used a basket before, but this time I’m intentionally stocking it with what I need for devotional reading and reflection. It’s portable and accessible and I can easily see and reach what I need. No messy tote bag where I have to dig and search for what’s in there.

This is what I have in my basket. I’ve assembled all the tools that I like to have. It will change as I put different books or drawing utensils in over time, but here’s what I have today. Having these five tools handy is what begins a great quiet time!

5 Great Tools to Have in Your Devotional Basket

Tool #1 – Your Bible

Your Bible! I guess that’s pretty obvious, but let’s talk a little bit about what Bible translation or style . . . I have an ESV Journaling Bible that allows me space to write in the margins. It also gives me room for the creative side of devotions–Bible Journaling. I wrote a post about how I do that here. I really like this translation for study, but I use this particular Bible mostly for creatively interacting with scripture.

The New International Version (NIV) study Bible is my go-to for studying and reading scripture. It is a red letter edition, has tabs, a center column with cross references, a small concordance at the back and is fairly compact.

Tool #2 – A good devotional

Devotionals aren’t a must, but they help me hear reflections from another author regarding a passage. It’s a great jumping off point especially on days when I don’t have a lot of time in the morning but I want to connnect with God before the day begins. Each is a little different and each author approaches devotional writing from their unique background. Streams in the Desert was written to bolster your heart when you’re walking in the valley but is also a treasure when you’re on the mountain top. It’s one of my favorites. The other two in my basket at present are: The Quiet Place and Experiencing God Day by Day.

Tool #3 – Your journal

This is one that I struggle with, but I’m trying to be more faithful to write in my journal. We’re reminded over and over in scripture to remember. Remember God’s attributes, His faithfulness and His deeds on our behalf and for others. When we write them down we have concrete reminders that sooth our fearful minds when trials come.

Writing in a journal is also a beautiful way to express thoughts of worship and praise back to God after having heard Him speak to you through His Word. This journal is similar to the one that I use, but any notebook that you consistently use would be great.

Tool #4 – Colored pencils, highlighters, pens, stickers

Creative Bible journaling is one way I like to interact with scripture so I have colored pencils, micron pens and all sorts of tools at my disposal. I keep them in a zippered case so I’ve got what I need in one place. Use a highlighter to single out meaningful verses and micron pens to write a summary, praise or prayer. Add some fun stickers to brighten a page or add decorative words without having to hand letter. Again, it’s another way to remind us of what God is teaching us.

Tool #5 – A study

Want to dig deeper and study? Have a study guide or materials from a study you’re attending in your basket. For years I attended Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). It’s a non-denominational study that is more in-depth and has great life application focus. I can’t say enough good things about their studies and the inductive method. Each week you receive a printed lesson to study.

A simple inductive method of study that I’m using now is in my latest book “Drawing Inspiration from the Psalms.” Every week I meet with friends and we have great discussion as well as share the creative coloring and journaling that we’ve done. Using a three question method is very effective in helping us connect with God and deepen our understanding of Him and our relationship with Him.

A sizeable basket

The size of your basket is entirely up to you. Mine is almost bushel basket size because I have a lot in there. But you could go a bit smaller and it would fit nicely in any space. This basket is similar to mine.

Ready, Set, Go!

Have a devotional time that refreshes your soul and connects you more completely with the Lord by just assembling all that you want to use into one basket. Simple. It makes it easy to start your day in prayer and reflection if you have everything at your fingertips.

I’ve also got a valuable guide to help you understand the Bible a bit better. Print it out and keep it in your basket. Help a friend out–share it with them. Especially if they’re new to reading the Bible. It makes things so much easier to understand. Just use the link below and enjoy! Leave me a comment about what you have found helpful to having a more focused and productive quiet time. I’m always open to new ideas!
